10 Sexy Reasons To Save s*x For Marriage!

There’s a saying that goes, “The best plan is to profit by the folly of others.” That’s what this article is about. I want to share with you a few things I’ve learned — the hard way — concerning girls and relationships. Specifically, I’ve jotted down ten reasons why I’m now waiting until marriage to have s*x.
#1: I now know that s*x isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

When I was in college, I remember having an experience that I referred to as a “love hangover.” After being with a girl, the next morning I always felt an emptiness. That’s something you won’t see on TV or in the movies, but it happens a lot. There was emptiness, even regret, afterwards.

The “love hangover” was a strange occurrence for me. Mainly because when I was in college, s*x was my “god.” As a male, it’s what I thought about morning, noon and night. So you would imagine that having s*x would have been completely fulfilling — the crowning achievement in the worship of my “god.” And yet, there was often a lack of fulfillment afterwards.
Has that been your experience, too? Have you ever had a “love hangover”? If you have, you should stop and consider, “Why is that? Why is it that s*x, if it’s so important to me, leaves me with an empty feeling?”
I remember being confused by this emptiness. I then concluded: “I just need more [s*x], that’s all.” (We often think this way about stuff we hope will fulfill us, then doesn’t. For example, we get the car we’ve always wanted, but then it’s just “okay” after awhile. Instead of realizing that a car can’t really satisfy us, we usually make the error of thinking, “Well, I guess that wasn’t the right car. A different one will give me lasting fulfillment.”)
But the emptiness continued. So, finally, I came to the conclusion that premarital s*x wasn’t all it’s cracked up to be. It gets too much hype. It’s not what the movies make it out to be. If it were, it would be completely fulfilling. There wouldn’t be any “emptiness.”
#2: I now want to be more honorable toward women.
I’ve found that girls often don’t fully understand what’s going on when it comes to s*x. That is, their perspective on the whole thing is very different from a guy’s. Often a girl will justify s*x by saying, “But I love him,” even if she doesn’t really want to go through with it. Why does that happen? It’s been said that, “Girls use s*x to get love; guys use love to get s*x.”
This is how it works: the girl is picturing marrying the guy some day; the guy is picturing everything he wants to do with the girl before he goes back to tell his buddies about it. And while something inside her is telling her it’s the right thing to do, something inside the guy is telling him just the opposite, yet he proceeds. Why? For the physical pleasure no doubt, but also, I think, for another reason: it makes him feel like a man. But there is a great irony in that, for what is manly about deceiving a woman?
Something I’ve discovered is that, when you honor a woman, you are honoring yourself. Why? Because someday you will have regret, and the regret will last much longer than the pleasure. In the movie Rob Roy, the main character says, “Honor is a gift a man gives himself.” When you honor a woman by doing what you know to be right in your heart (that is, what’s in her best interest), you honor yourself and insure that you will have no long-lasting regrets to live with.
Here’s what I mean: most of the girls I’ve been with are now married to other men. When I put myself in the shoes of those men, I wish that I hadn’t done what I’ve done. In fact, I might even like to punch myself in the nose for it.
And so it goes without saying that when I get married, I’m not going to like the idea that someone else has had his way with my wife. What about you? Do you like the idea of someone else being with your wife? If you have a girlfriend now and feel that way, think of how much stronger that feeling will be with your wife someday.
You can even take it a step further. That girl is someone’s daughter. What if she were my daughter? Or what if she were my sister? Would I want some guy like me taking advantage of her? I now see girls from a different perspective. They’re someone else’s future wife, someone else’s daughter, sister, etc.
For example, I had a college sweetheart, the girl of my dreams. With her, there was never a dull moment. We totally “clicked.” We waited for awhile, then, through my initiation, we started having s*x.
s*x soon became the focus of our relationship. I stopped wanting to get to know her on any other level. And so, instead of growing closer together, we actually started drifting apart. That’s what I mean by “s*x killed my best relationships.” People can relate on many different levels — emotionally, mentally, physically, spiritually. But when my girlfriend and I started relating mostly physically, it short-circuited the other parts of our relationship. As a result, the relationship as a whole started to go south. We might still be together today if we (I) had waited.
I’ve seen this happen with countless relationships, not just others of my own, but those of many other people. And I think there’s a reason for this, which I’ll explain next.
For me, two things happened once I had s*x with a girl. As I look back on it, I can say that they happened literally every time, although I was unaware of these dynamics at the time. The two things were this: 1) I lost respect for the girl (even though I didn’t want to); and 2) she began to mistrust me (even though she didn’t want to).
I don’t know why this happened, I just know that it did. Maybe it’s just built into “the system.” But one thing’s for sure: I’m not alone. I’ve seen it happen over and over again. I know many people having marital problems because they engaged in premarital s*x. They go into the marriage with lack of respect and lack of trust, two absolute necessities for the health of any marriage.
I know a newlywed couple who have s*x less than once a month because of this — he doesn’t respect her, she knows it, and she doesn’t trust him, so she doesn’t want to give herself to him. It’s very sad, and more common than you might think. But nobody talks about this kind of thing in public. And the movie and TV portrayals of couples having s*x before marriage never present it either. It’s like no one wants to acknowledge that it’s happening, even though it is.
#6: Waiting to have s*x with my wife will mean better s*x in my marriage.
Why? Because we’ll go into the marriage with me having more respect for her and her having more trust in me. One thing I’ve learned: if a girl doesn’t trust a guy, she doesn’t want to give herself wholly to him. Deep down, she doesn’t really enjoy being with him.
This is how it works. Since “girls use s*x to get love, and guys use love to get s*x,” a couple will have s*x before marriage. The girl does this to hold on to the relationship. The guy does it because he wants it even more than the relationship itself. Then, after the marriage, the woman has what she wants: a commitment from the man. So she doesn’t need to use s*x to get him anymore. And, because she may be harboring resentment because he had s*x with her before they were married, she is now not interested in s*x. And the guy — who doesn’t treasure his wife because of the s*x before marriage — still wants s*x but not as a total bonding experience with his wife. It’s just s*x, which she figures out. So, there is a lousy s*x life in the marriage.
I’m not making this stuff up. Now that I’m out of college and many people around me are getting married, I’m seeing it happen all the time. The antidote: waiting for marriage to have s*x will give the man a greater respect for his wife and the woman a greater respect for her husband. And consequently they’ll have better and more frequent s*x because they respect each other more and love each other more deeply.
s*x is a mysterious thing that causes a deep bond between people, even if we call it “casual.” The problem is this: the more I bond with other girls, the less I’ll be able to bond with my future wife. It’s like a piece of scotch tape — the more you use it on different surfaces, the less it sticks to things. After awhile, it won’t stick to anything.
If I bond with other girls before I get married, I won’t be able to bond as well with my wife someday. I won’t cherish her as much as I could have, and consequently I won’t love her as much as I could have. Each day that passes that I’ve remained faithful to my future wife means that my relationship with her will be better.
It’s a funny thing: our culture decries adultery, yet it freely condones premarital s*x, even with multiple partners. That’s ironic. Because, if you take the element of time out of the equation, premarital s*x is adultery. We can imagine how adultery would greatly injure a marriage relationship, maybe premarital s*x actually has nearly the same result. It injures the potential bond between a man and a woman.
#8: I don’t have to sleep with a woman to know if we’re “sexually compatible.”
s*x is meant to complement a relationship, not be the most important aspect of it. That’s what I’ve found out. It’s supposed to be the icing on the cake when all the other aspects of your relationship are working well. I’ve come to understand that the s*x will be good if the rest of the relationship is good. That’s why I know I don’t have to sleep with my wife to find out if we’re sexually compatible. If we get along in every other area, the s*x will be fine.
Something else needs to be said here. Another thing I think I’ve “discovered” is this: when you place s*x as the determining factor of the relationship, it will probably result in poor s*x. Think about it. If you put your s*xual relationship under a microscope, always judging it and judging the relationship by it, it’s doomed to fail. It’s like being in prison. You’re locked in to something that is supposed to be freeing, not incapacitating.
But, when you focus on the other parts of the relationship, and the s*x isn’t the focus, then you’re freed up to have a more enjoyable s*x life, with no pressure of having to make it always spectacular. (Because it won’t be.) And yet, I don’t think that as a college-age adult I was capable of not focusing on s*x, that is, unless it wasn’t present at all. That’s why I think it’s best to wait altogether.
#9: I have found something more satisfying than s*x.
I know what you’re thinking: “Yeh, right.” But it’s true. And in fact, in a way s*x helped me to discover the something that outdoes it. And that something is not really a something, it’s a someone. It’s God.
Just hear me out on this one, I know it sounds far-fetched, but the whole thing makes sense. God has created us in such a way that we can’t be ultimately satisfied by anything except Him. He built that into the human system, and into each one of our individual systems. As one man put it, “Inside every person is a God-shaped vacuum that only God can fill.”
That’s why we see people change careers, mates, fashions, and more — because in our search for ultimate fulfillment, we get frustrated with the things (and people) that have not achieved it for us. So we discard them and move on to something (or someone) else, hoping that in them we will find the kind of fulfillment we are all really looking for. But the problem is, we never find it unless we come to God for it, because only He can provide it.
God loves us too much to see us truly satisfied by anything other than Himself. He wants the best for us, and that means Himself. Nothing or no one is more important than God. I know that’s true because I found it out for myself. The emptiness I had — after buying this and buying that, after s*xual escapades, after all my efforts to be fulfilled in life — the emptiness came to an end when I asked God into my life.
It’s been years since I’ve had s*x. I wish I could say that I totally waited for marriage, but I can’t. I do have regrets (and, as I said before, they have lasted much longer than any momentary pleasures). I have regrets about the way I’ve treated girls. I have concerns about the stability of my future marriage (if and when I get married). But God has helped me to deal with my past acts and with my concerns for the future. He is in the process of changing me, and has changed me a lot already.
Also, God has given me the ability to wait for marriage to have s*x again. Sure, it’s been a struggle at times, but God has been big enough to get me through it. All things are possible with Him. And each day, week, year that goes by, I know I’ll have a better and stronger marriage someday because I’ve waited. Too, I have a stronger relationship with God, today, as a result of depending on Him in this vital area of my life as a man.
Source: jesusdaily.com
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