So instead of feeling guilty for some of our parenting decisions, what can parents do to help them practice a bit more patience? Here are a few tips. I hope they bring some calm into your life and your parenting.
1. Practice Waiting. Do you ever have a long, stressful day, yet despite how tired you are, you decide to stay up watching Scandal instead of getting the sleep your body needs? That’s an example of wanting immediate gratification. It’s your favorite show, so you want to watch it when it airs. But is there really any harm in waiting until the weekend? Practice making yourself wait for the things you find gratifying and it will begin to help you realize that waiting isn’t so bad. Once you develop the ability to wait with more ease, waiting on your kids to complete a task won’t be so bad at all.
2. Breathe. A deep breath goes a long way. The feeling of impatience is a familiar one, so you know when it’s rearing its ugly head. When you start to feel like your patience is slipping away (or was never there to begin with), just breathe. Don’t say a word, don’t make a mean face—just breathe. Practicing deep breathing can help you release stress and anxiety and it gives you the opportunity to put things in perspective. Once you are calm, you can shift your thinking to something else and when that shift takes place, your kids are more likely to comply.
3. Be More Mindful. Typically, a lack of patience comes from feeling rushed. Have you ever stopped and ask yourself, why do I feel so rushed? Is this need for speed self-imposed? Are you taking on too much? Are you in need of help but too stubborn to ask for it? Think about the why behind your feelings and your behavior. Once you identify the reason for your behavior, you may realize that there are some simple changes that may help you slow down and become a lot more patient with the people that look up to you and love you the most.
source: CandidBelle
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