Updates: Form One student arrested in Isiolo for assaulting teacher

A map of Isiolo County. A Form One student at
A Form One student is being held at Isiolo Police Station for allegedly assaulting a teacher.
The St Pauls Kiwanjani Secondary School student is said to have punched the teacher when chaos erupted in school after some boys were allegedly sent home to shave their heads.
The boys were ordered to return to the school the following say accompanied by their parents.
The Form One student is however said to have returned to the school on Wednesday together with other students and allegedly incited others to cause chaos.
Learning was disrupted for the better part of the day after students rushed outside their classes to witness the fight.
Head teacher George Mbijiwe said a group of boys were sent home but came back to the schools and incited others to cause chaos.
He said he called the police to calm the situation but some of the students, who masterminded the chaos, resisted arrest.
Mr Mbijiwe confirmed that one of the teachers was injured and rushed to hospital.
He said glass of staffroom windows were destroyed during the incident.
Isiolo County Police Chief Nelson Okioga also confirmed the arrest.
Education officials led by Isiolo Sub-County Education officer Fatuma Mohammed and Teachers Service Commission (TSC) staff visited the school to address the issue.
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