Did You Happen to See the Most Adorable Girl in the World?

Britney Spears
, possibly the cutest pop star that ever existed, is doing us all such a favor by agreeing to speak to the media about things like her children, her career, and, as if your heart could even take it, Taylor Swift. It's like she loves us all so much, like she wants us to be happy and so she's giving us these beautiful gifts. Like she didn't know her own self was enough.

One of the most precious things about Britney is the way she loves her two sons, and in this new interview, she discusses the birthday party she's planning for them (they were born just two days apart, one in 2005 and the other in 2006). She says "we love skateboarding so we're probably going to rent out a skate park," and please note that she said "we" and not "they." And if you can move on from the terrible sweetness of Britney skateboarding with her kids, she has another little detail on her boys, which is that "my kids are deejays. They're both in their rooms deejaying 24/7 and making up their own music."
As for her professional life, Britney is giving acting another go, this time in a role on "Jane the Virgin." As for movies, she doesn't have anything in the works presently, but "I would love to. I could dream. I would love to be a movie star." It's crazy, because we would love that too!

And finally, Britney give her thoughts on our dear Taylor Swift, saying "I love Taylor Swift. I think she's adorable. I love her music. Her music makes me so happy. She's very level-headed. She's a very, very smart girl, very wise."

Oh, Britney, you're too good for us. Thank you so much for all that you do, and know that we will never, ever take all your wonders for granted.


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