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Its no longer news that the TSA (Treasury Single Account) has been creating a lot of noise within the financial sector. There are lots of fears about the consequence of this act. Four friends Kevin, Deola, Gboye and Matthew looked at the situation and started brain storming on how best to create a shock absorber for the effects. They came across an idea which involved them setting up a team of forward thinkers and a Business idea that will help them generate income even while they still work.
Few weeks into the business idea, they all started making various incomes. When they pushed on towards a month, all their incomes doubled. They knew they were on to something Great!
They will be revealing to all in attendance how they used social media to create massive income while still working full-time.
December is here. A lot of people out there do not know what it will bring, thats why these friends have decided to share the idea with others who may currently have same fears they had.
On Saturday 19th December, at Primal Hotel Isaac John GRA By 12noon, these friends will be on ground to share this fantastic business idea with those who want to set up another source of income and possibly have a sense of security amidst unknown circumstances.
Having a job is fine but having another source of income is superfine.
Entrance fee for the event is N2,000.
What have you got to lose by attending.
Knowledge they say is power and who knows if this may help you finish 2015 Financially Stronger.
Knowledge they say is power and who knows if this may help you finish 2015 Financially Stronger.
This is a time for us to Come together and create our own economy. Time to brainstorm on the way forward.
We leave you with this parting words from Virgin Atlantic's CEO Richard Branson
"Do not Fear Failure, Fear being in the same Exact Position Next Year".
May this not be your portion
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