Olamide !!! Why #LeaveTrashForLAWMA should be your new year’s resolution

Like it or not, The Headies 2015 was a brilliant event. The award show did not only keep everyone awake on New Year’s, the aftermath of the award show broke the internet and for a good cause too.
Following Don Jazzy’s response after Olamide’s outburst on the headies stage, the YBNL CEO expressed his Twitter fingers and spewed threats directed at Don Jazzy back to back. Despite the lack of response from the Mavin boss, Olamide’s demand for rubbish to be put in its place was the major highlight of their Headies discord.
This might have been a spur of the moment thing for Olamide but the antics of Nigerian social media quickly made a movement out of the phrase. Everyone used it as it applied to them, within and beyond the context of the Headies brouhaha. After taking a closer look at our society, the wisdom of Olamide’s tweets has implored us to help you make a new year’s resolution. Or at least replace the boring one you made before.
Leaving trash for LAWMA goes beyond mere residential hygiene. The expression is a conscious awakening call for society to purge itself of all forms of rubbish. Whether ideological, material or human trash, this is a call to dispose of all wastes through proper channels.
If your local government official is corrupt, he is trash. If your bank over charges you, your bank is trash. If your partner cheats on you, they are trash. If a friend cannot be there for you, that person is trash. If your pastor owns a private jet at the expense of poor church members, your pastor is trash. If anybody disrespects you for no reason, they’re trash. Please leave all these people and every other trash in your life for LAWMA this year. In a Nigerian society where things seem to always take the left, leaving rubbish in its place is the best way to start righting things this 2016.
From all of us at Sounds.ng, It is earliest days of the sixteenth year of the millennium and we urge you leave all trash for LAWMA.
And of course, properly dispose your garbage.
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