and heartless group of ritualists with the ruthless inclination towards
killing innocent Albinos have carried out yet another attack on a
hapless boy.

An Albino
Criminal gangs nicknamed "albino hunters" and armed with machetes,
knives and axes are striking fear into people living with albinism in
Malawi, abducting and often killing their victims in broad daylight and
in the dead of night.
The latest victim of the brutal attacks is a nine-year-old boy with
albinism from Malawi's eastern district of Machinga. His mother Edna
Cedrick tried to rescue her son Brian when two attackers abducted him
early in March 2016.
A police officer from Machinga district, Isaac Ndala, confirmed the
abduction, adding that the kidnappers injured the boy's mother. The
abduction happened while her husband was away on a fishing errand at the
nearby Lake Chilwa.
According to South Malawi News, the mutilated body of the boy has
been found. His head and other parts of his body were cut off. Police
have arrested a 22-year-old man for taking part in the gruesome murder.
The audacious kidnapping is not an isolated case, as abductions,
attempted killings and brutal murders have prompted some police
authorities to brand albinos an "endangered species" in Malawi.
According to the police, by now about 50 criminal offences have
been committed against albinos and the number might even be higher than
as some incidents may not have been reported to police.
"The latest statistics we have are of last year, 2015," Malawi police spokesperson Nicholas Gondwa told News24.
"Over 30 criminal cases were reported that included killings,
abductions, and being found with bones of persons with albinism. Just
imagine, there are even some daredevils who go to cemeteries to dig
graves where people with albinism were buried. All that is done in the
name of hunting for the body parts or bones of albinos," he said.
See the really graphic photo below:

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