Cameroonian soldiers have recovered a Nigerian armoured personnel
carrier stolen by Boko Haram after an attack on Gwoza in 2014.The
war machine partially covered with blood and riddled with bullets was
towed into an army base in Northern Cameroon yesterday.
The APC still bears the insignia “PMF Training College, Gwoza” along its flank and partially obscured by Boko Haram Arabic logo.
Monday, the insurgents used the stolen APC to ambush an army patrol in
Cameroon killing 5 and wounding 7 before they bombarded a nearby
Cameroonian army camp.
a fire for fire battle that lasted for 3 hours, Cameroonian troops repulsed the attack and
killed 94 Boko Haram terrorists.
According to officials, farmers discovered 8 more bodies of the militants in fields on Tuesday.
look inside the recovered APC showed a pool of blood and dozens of used
cartridges. The side windows had been pierced by several heavy machine
gun rounds.
The APC was towed into Waza army camp yesterday.
Oumar Nchankou, the head of the special Cameroonian forces that
overcame Boko Haram in Waza said he considered himself luck to have
escape alive after 2 rockets hit his vehicle in the ambush attack by
Boko Haram.
“The combat was of a rare intensity. This was
something we had not witnessed before,”“It showed that we are fighting
an fighting an enemy that knows what it is doing,” – Major Oumar told reporters yesterday.
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