The Hotter the Mess, the Harder They Fall

You'd think that if your last name was Kennedy -- and you actually were related by blood to America's former "royalty" -- you'd be extra careful about what you do, because hey, Kennedys have a long history of not working out so well. 

Kyra LeMoyne Kennedy, left, daughter of Robert F. Kennedy Jr., however, seems to be throwing all caution to the wind and sharing photos like the above while captioning others on her social media with things like "I'm a mess but I make it look so good," and then expecting everybody to be like, "Oh, OK, this is fine; she's young, blah blah blah" ... but they're forgetting one simple thing: Kyra's a Kennedy, and if anybody has a reason to be extra vigilant about everything they do and say and promote ... 

What a cute girl, though, right?

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